Access to the Medicines Working Group - September 2019

Page last updated: 11 June 2020

The Access to Medicines Working Group (AMWG) met in Canberra on 17 September 2019. Attendees included representatives from Medicines Australia (MA), the pharmaceutical industry and the Department of Health.

AMWG members endorsed revised scopes for all the AMWG subgroups, including the two joint AMWG‑ Generic Medicines Working Group (GMWG) subgroups.  

Members noted that Stage 1 of the PBS process improvements was officially launched through a webinar on 14 June 2019, and the partial cost recovery arrangements to introduce revised fees and to support the Stage 1 PBS process improvements commenced on 1 July 2019.

The Department acknowledged the support of the AMWG, Medicines Australia and industry over the last 18 months whilst developing and implementing Stage 1 PBS process improvements and the revised cost recovery arrangements.

The AMWG subgroups will continue to progress key priorities of the AMWG as outlined within the Strategic Agreement.

The next meeting of the AMWG will be held in early 2020.