Browse by Section 100 Item List

Highly Specialised Drugs Program (Community Access)

The Highly Specialised Drugs (HSD) Community Access arrangements align existing Section 100 HSD Program arrangements with current clinical practice and models of care, through improvements to the way some medicines are prescribed, dispensed and accessed under the s100 HSD Program. Medicines under HSD Community Access arrangements include:

  • clozapine for the treatment of schizophrenia (maintenance therapy only)
  • HIV antiretroviral medicines
  • hepatitis B medicines
  • opioid dependence medicines (see Opioid Dependence Treatment (ODT) Program)
  • lanreotide
  • octreotide.

These arrangements remove the requirement for patients and prescribers to be affiliated with a hospital setting.  Patients also have greater choice about where they access their medicines, through either a community pharmacy, or a private or public hospital pharmacy. Community pharmacists can dispense these medicines regardless of where the medicine is prescribed.

The remuneration rates for HSDs dispensed through community pharmacies are aligned to those paid to private hospitals which comprise the normal PBS ready-prepared dispensing fee plus a mark-up ascertained as follows:

  • 10% for drugs with an ex-manufacturer price of less than $40
  • $4 for drugs with an ex-manufacturer price of between $40 and $100
  • 4% for drugs with an ex-manufacturer price of between $100.01 and $1000
  • $40 for drugs with an ex-manufacturer price of greater than $1000.

Patient eligibility criteria are unchanged. Patients will continue to pay a patient co-payment which will contribute to the PBS Safety Net Record.

  • Legend
  • MPMedical Practitioner
  • NPNurse Practitioner
Prescriber code Item code Name, manner of administration and form & strength Max qty
Max qty
No. of
MPNP 12946J DARUNAVIRdarunavir 600 mg tablet, 2 x 30 2 120 5
MPNP 10329P DARUNAVIRdarunavir 600 mg tablet, 60 2 120 5
MPNP 10367P DARUNAVIRdarunavir 800 mg tablet, 30 2 60 5
MPNP 12111K DARUNAVIRdarunavir 800 mg tablet, 30 2 60 5
MPNP 10903W DARUNAVIR + COBICISTATdarunavir 800 mg + cobicistat 150 mg tablet, 30 2 60 5
MPNP 11955F DARUNAVIR + COBICISTAT + EMTRICITABINE + TENOFOVIR ALAFENAMIDEdarunavir 800 mg + cobicistat 150 mg + emtricitabine 200 mg + tenofovir alafenamide 10 mg tablet, 30 2 60 5
MPNP 10283F DOLUTEGRAVIRdolutegravir 50 mg tablet, 30 2 60 5
MPNP 10345L DOLUTEGRAVIR + ABACAVIR + LAMIVUDINEdolutegravir 50 mg + abacavir 600 mg + lamivudine 300 mg tablet, 30 2 60 5
MPNP 11843H DOLUTEGRAVIR + LAMIVUDINEdolutegravir 50 mg + lamivudine 300 mg tablet, 30 2 60 5
MPNP 11540J DOLUTEGRAVIR + RILPIVIRINEdolutegravir 50 mg + rilpivirine 25 mg tablet, 30 2 60 5