Browse by Dental Items

The following are PBS Schedule Dental Items categorised by Body System and ATC (Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical) code.

  • Legend
  • DPDentist
Prescriber code Item code Name, manner of administration and form & strength Max qty
Max qty
No. of
DP 5071X DIAZEPAMdiazepam 2 mg tablet, 50 1 50 0
DP 5072Y DIAZEPAMdiazepam 5 mg tablet, 50 1 50 0
DP 5079H DICLOFENACdiclofenac sodium 100 mg suppository, 20 2 40 0
DP 5076E DICLOFENACdiclofenac sodium 25 mg enteric tablet, 50 2 100 0
DP 5077F DICLOFENACdiclofenac sodium 50 mg enteric tablet, 50 1 50 0
DP 5096F DICLOXACILLINdicloxacillin 250 mg capsule, 24 1 24 0
DP 5097G DICLOXACILLINdicloxacillin 500 mg capsule, 24 1 24 0
DP 3321T DOXYCYCLINEdoxycycline 100 mg tablet, 7 1 7 0
DP 5082L DOXYCYCLINEdoxycycline 100 mg tablet, 7 1 7 0
DP 3322W DOXYCYCLINEdoxycycline 100 mg modified release capsule, 7 1 7 0