4.3  Timeframes for the PBS

4.3.1   Key dates for PBAC and subcommittee meetings, submission lodgment

A PBS calendar, which outlines PBAC, DUSC and Economics Sub-Committee (ESC) meeting dates, deadlines for submissions and key post-PBAC dates for advice on PBAC decisions, publication of outcomes and PSDs is available online. Alternative timeframes may apply over the Christmas and New Year period, refer to the PBS calendar for details.

4.3.2   Timeframes for integrated codependent submissions

Timeframes for integrated codependent submissions are coordinated with the Medical Benefits Division (MBD) on a case-by-case basis.

However, the Intent to Apply form for an integrated codependent submission is required four weeks ahead of the submission due date, and applicants should be aware that the deadlines for integrated codependent submissions are generally four weeks earlier than the usual PBAC submission due date. Refer to the PBS calendar for due dates.

4.3.3   Key dates for publication of the PBS Schedule

The department publishes a list of dates related to provision of key documents for listing and publication deadlines for the PBS Schedule, which is published monthly.  This includes lodgment deadlines for new brands of existing pharmaceutical items, and other PBS deadlines (e.g. delisting and price increase requests).


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